Health - Mujeres Aliadas

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Health Program
A good story begins with good care

We have a Healthcare Center for sexual and reproductive services for women located in Erongarícuaro attended by Professional Midwifery.
Among the health services we offer at Mujeres Aliadas A.C. you can find: natural birth, prenatal/delivery/postpartum control, breast/cervix/ovary revisions, menstruation and menopause treatments, detection and treatment of vaginal and urinary infections, papanicolau, cervix visualization, HPV tests, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), Birth Preparation Class, family planning and sexual orientation.

Education and orientation are indispensable actions within the model of Professional Midwifery, which guarantees the rise of awareness in women in order to make responsible and healthy decisions for herself and her family.
Minimum donation by birth
Medical appointment: $5 not including medicine
From $250 USD to $1,000 USD
According to requirements and delivery plan
Exemptions are made for women of very low income and
extra donations are accepted and highly appreciated


Av. María Luisa Martínez #73

La Valenciana #24 Col. La Valenciana

Lucas Balderas #192 Col. Chapultepec Oriente

More information or make an appointment
Please call 434 138 8220
Mujeres Aliadas AC Erongarícuaro, Michoacán, México.
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